Several years ago, when the movie Batman was released. Aaron and I got into a rather juvenile disagreement upon a regular basis. We would argue over which one of us was the real batman. For those of you who do not know Aaron or me, at the time this movie came out we were both in high school. I know, I know, you probably thought that we were grade schoolers playing at recess during these arguments. No, we were in high school and both obviously immature for our age. I bring up this story for a couple of reasons. First, as the young adult librarian discussing superheros is an important part of my job, and I want to bring my Batman vs. Superman argument before a larger audience than my teens at the library. I belief that batman is the cooler superhero when compared to Superman, but I also believe that Superman would kick Batman's butt in a fight. I still would personally, pick Batman as my favorite superhero. Batman is just a regular guy using his wits and an inexhaustible sum of money to fight crime, he is not an alien from another planet, he hasn't been bitten by a radioactive spider, and he doesn't have an invisible jet and magic lasso (by the way, how stupid are those superpowers invisible jet and magic lasso). Now, I ask you to select your favorite Superhero and give us a movie quote if you know one. Mine as I said before is Batman.
"People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne, as a man I'm flesh and blood I can be ignored I can be destroyed but as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting."
Tim (The Real Batman) Gampp
Friday, March 03, 2006
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4:33 PM
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Growing up, my favorite super hero cartoon characters were The Incredible Hulk and Spiderman! Although, I was always scared of the Hulk I still enjoyed watching the bad guys "get it" and seeing how gentle he was to the needy people. Spiderman was just cool. I loved how he could climb anything and catch bad guys with the flick of the wrist and shooting web stuff all over them.
At that time, I didn't know about Jesus and what He had done for me. If only I had known, I would have had a whole different outlook on what a super hero really is. Jesus really did save the world and He only had to do it once! That's the hero for me!!
Thank you Jennifer for grounding me and making sure my emphasis is where it is supposed to be.
But for now let's talk Super heroes. I do love Batman, those movies were cool. Especially the earlier ones. "Mistletoe is deadly if you eat it, but a kiss is even more if you mean it", "It can truely be said that I have a bat in my belfry". Batman is just cool: Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney or Christian Bailes. Just cool. Even the guy who did the voice in Super friends (I know Casey Kaseem was Robin)
1. Batman
2. The Green Latern (he was awesome and that ring)
3. The Flash (he could run, nothing else, so I am not sure what else he did, but again he was cool)
4. Captain America (he was Mr. USA and he had that shield)
Are we allowed to mention that we still have discussions about this stuff. That would probably hurt our positions as resectable professionals of our community. Will we be able to gain back the respect of our peers. Or did we ever really have their respect.
Aaron I'm glad you mentioned all of your favorites. I too liked The Flash, I remember everytime I got a new pair of shoes I was sure that they made me faster so I would pretend to be the Flash. I have to admit though, my Under Roos were the Superman style, and my favorite glass to drink out of was an Aquaman glass.
Jennifer I remember watching the Spiderman cartoon, but my favorite on the show was Ice-man. I thought it was cool how he traveled by shooting ice in front of himself.
"Your name is Kal-El. You are the only survivor of the planet Krypton. Even though you've been raised as a human, you are not one of them. You have great powers, only some of which you have as yet discovered."
I always liked Iceman, but I frequently found myself troubled by the physical consequences of his actions.
For example, he often transported himself on a sidewalk of ice. How far can you extend a sidewalk of ice before tensile stress will cause it to collapse? And when it falls, would this not be incredibly hazardous to people nearby? Imagine the insurance claims he spawned. Hail is destructive. I cannot imagine the damage of falling ice sidewalks.
So in the end, I came to the conclusion that Iceman was a detriment to society.
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