Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bad Day & More to Come

Today I had a terrible day and work and tomorrow promises to be even worse. I am having some struggles at work and I would like to request that everyone please pray for me as I work through theses struggles.
When I got home tonight I was really down on myself and I was upset at my work situation. I was tired and felt depressed about what was happening. I knew that I needed to pray and read the bible, I knew that if I was going to find relief it would be through God. When I opened the bible, in the front cover, I found the relief from an old friend that has been gone from my life for a long time.

On Christmas Eve 1994 a dear friend of mine was killed when his vehicle was hit by a drunk driver. David was my preacher and the man who I credit with leading me to Jesus.

My friend David had given me the bible at church camp in 1991. David had also written some scriptures in the front and in these scriptures I was able to find my much needed relief, from a friend who had given me so much guidance in the past.

6 The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.

Pslam 118 6 & 8

I thank God for friends like David who even after they have gone from our lives, they can still guide and comfort us. I thank God even more that he has provided for us his word where we can seek refuge in our times of struggle. It is amazing to me how God will show you things at just the right time, I must have looked over those scriptures David had written a thousand times and they had not affected me, until today, when I needed them.
Thank you David but more importantly Thank You God.



Anonymous said..., you made me cry. I feel this way everytime I think about David.

Ok, everyone, we really need you to pray for Tim to get a new job. The thoughts of moving away to find a job elsewhere kills me when I think about leaving my neices and nephews. It truly does and I cry every single time Tim and I talk about it. Still, the issue of changing jobs keeps coming up for some reason. We just want to be where God sends us. THAT will be the right place and nowhere else.

We will go where He leads us. But, then, you already know that if you've been reading Zoe's Adoption blog.


aaronkallner said...


I will pray for you. I can understand your situation. David was neat man, I have several good memories of him.


Tim said...

Thanks Jennifer and Aaron, it is nice to know that I have your prayers. Thanks to everyone else who may be praying but did not post. Please continue to pray.